• Wilson

  • Wilson

  • Wilson

Brand Strategy



Wilson is a brand with a 100-year legacy of developing the world's best sports equipment. It is the official ball of the NBA, NFL, College Basketball, and Tennis US Open, and the official mascot of the movie Castaway. The CMO of Wilson approached me to help them achieve a massive transformation of their brand: shifting from a retail giant to an e-commerce juggernaut. I worked with their team to leverage their entire NFL spend to shift traffic directly to their site. The result: record-breaking e-commerce revenue without adding a single additional dollar to the budget. The timing could not have been more perfect because immediately after that campaign, the world experienced its own global shift: COVID-19. Our work positioned Wilson to be ready for all of their retail traffic to move online and continue to provide performance products to the best players in the world and the future players who will replace them.